We need to fundamentally change the way we think about advertising, marketing and channels

The life or a marketer has never been easy. These days, it’s almost impossible.

Yesterday, in a meeting with my publisher, we spoke about book titles. I suggested something with ‘Mad Men’, my favourite TV series of all times. “Nah,” he replied. “Most people are too young to remember.”

Sad, but true. Gone are not only the days of Mad Men, including the 5.00pm drink tray, packs of Luckies and fabulous shots on fabulous islands – “because we need the early morning light in Mauritius”. Gone are also the days when as a marketer – or agency creative – I could choose between a 45 second television commercial, three magazine ads, a newspaper ad and a billboard. Add a direct mailer, if I am feeling adventurous. These would allow me to reach the vast majority of my audience, and if done right, would win me an award in Cannes.