Have you always wanted to make your hobby into a job? Or do you just need to earn some extra cash? The new book by Jorg Dietzel and Ivan Ho, “Cool Cash”, out this week, can help. Pick up a copy at Amazon, any bookstore or at a reduced price at the launch on 24 September, 17.30 hs, SMU Admin Building, Level 6.
The email read “Hi Prof, you don’t know me, but I have an idea…” and it made me curious. Who was this NUS student who wanted to write about hobby jobs, and had already interviewed a dozen of people who had followed their passion? We met, and decided to co-operate: He’d source the cases, I’d add some branding and marketing insights and ask my staff to help with research, make an introduction to my publisher.
A year later the book is out: “Cool Cash” looks at over 30 cases of people who stepped out and made their dream happen – from dog-walker to swimming-instructor, baker to dancing-coach. The background chapters beyond the interviews look at what it takes to find your passion and how to make a plan, stick with it and make it happen.
Initial feedback is promising: “I need this!”, friends are posting on the Facebook-page. We hope that the How-To-Lists we compiled, together with the real-life interviews with young and old entrepreneurs will inspire people in Singapore and Asia to make the leap of faith and start earning some “Cool Cash”.